- Χωρίς απόθεμα
Marvel Collection PVC Statue 1/10 Venom (The Amazing Spider-Man 316) 16 cm
Στατική φιγούρα-διόραμα από την McFarlane Toys
Κωδικός: SUP7-RE-CONA-07863
Αυθεντική φιγούρα δράσης της Super7 ύψους 10 εκατοστών
A skilled thief by nature, Subotai is the perfect person to help Conan and Valeria infiltrate Thulsa Doom's heavily fortified mountain lair! The latest articulated, 3.75" scale Conan the Barbarian ReAction Figure of War Paint Subotai is inspired by the 1982 film of the same name and features the Hyrkanian thief looking dressed for combat, and comes with a sword accessory. Skulking in the shadows undetected may be his strength, but this War Paint Subotai ReAction Figure is sure to stand out in your collection!